This is the intermediate step from farms to houses.

The goal is, overflow your city with food to avoid any problems later. Build all the farms you can and whatever else the map allows. I did find very good posts (mainly on Pharaoh Heaven) detailing single missions and aspects of the game, but nothing about general strategy. The following will be probably no news to many, but I think it could be useful to some because personally I struggled a lot early to find a good strategy for my city layout, also because I could not find anything helpful online (maybe it was there years ago, but it got deleted since). I mean, the steps to build your city and win the missions without much pain. So, now I almost finished the campaign and I’ll share here what I learned. With the pandemic ravaging I have too much spare time on my hands, and after a year spent watching movies and reading books, I decided to give Pharaoh another shot after playing it almost 20 years ago.